© Copyright © 2000 - 2023, Angus MacDonald

        Thou shalt not kick Mother Nature in the teeth
                                                                                      Thou shalt not waste bandwidth

My name is Angus MacDonald and this is my web site.  I have it here to write up useful things I have learned in the sixty years I have been observing the world. Some years ago I earned a Doctor of Engineering-Physics from U Va  so the science here is probably decent. For the rest, you will have to decide. You are welcome to copy and use this stuff here but please give me credit and reference the site.

 Latest essay:- Cooking and Timing

 How to make things:- Soap, Newspaper logs

 Eating well:-Bread, Cooking and Timing,  Good Soup

  Political:- MTBE,  Negative Votes,  Guns & Moms

  Essays:- Learning to read,   The Imp up the Chimney,  Machine Dysfunction

 Reprints of interesting articles:-

        All images on this web site are on separate pages. Thou shalt not waste bandwidth. Everything here is text based . When an image is helpful, it is referenced in the text with a fig. #.You can get images by clicking on the # if you want to sit there and wait while your modem and the internet routers do their thing.
 (missing: Machine Dysfunction =  computer.htm, Soap =?)